
For Schools, Youth Groups & Civic Organizations

"I taught Ashley while she was a Lower School student at St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School. I recently learned of Ashley's passing and was deeply saddened. Although I have taught hundreds of students since I had Ashley, I have never forgotten her. She was a bubbly, positive 5th grader. I remember her excitement about gymnastics, and her outgoing, easy personality. I pray for your family. Know that we all remember her and won't forget as time goes by."

                5th Grade Teacher












The first step is to be aware of the current situation and facts. Review the information on The ART of Driving web site and become familiar with the statistics and unique risks faced by teen drivers.

As a society we are aware of many problems facing today's youth…drugs, alcohol, violence and teen pregnancy. You can not watch the news or read the paper without being told about these issues.  So why do we not hear as much about the number one killer of 15-20 years olds…automobile crashes? If this was a disease claiming 4,000 young lives every year we would have state and federal funding and local communities would be organizing “walks for the cure”. We need to ask ourselves why this issue, the issue that is claiming more young lives then all the others put together, is not receiving the same attention.

We can not afford to ponder, or wait for government intervention. While we wait we lose 17 teens a day. Look out into your classroom, youth group, scout troop, soccer team…who will we grieve for next?

The ART of Driving believes in a “proactive” approach.  We know how to “react” when a tragedy occurs. Schools call in counselors, women from the church bring meals for bereaved families, and neighborhoods hold candle light vigils. Although well-meaning, and necessary to the grieving process, these actions will not alter the statistics.



The ART of Driving hopes that every teacher, parent, coach, and youth leader will realize that they each share in the responsibility of keeping our youth safe. Teachers talk to  students about school violence, parents talk to their teens about under-age drinking, and coaches frequently talk about how harmful illicit drugs are to their athletes…have any of you discussed the unique risks faced by teen drivers? The potential exists to save thousands of lives. If each of us spoke to just one teen, imagine what a difference we could make. If we brought a program into our schools, youth groups, and churches that would increase awareness and educate teens and parents on this health crisis…just imagine the lives that could be saved.

It will take one teacher, one administrator, one coach, one parent…one adult that is willing to step up and take responsibility…one adult that is willing to make a difference.


The ART of Driving wants to assist you in arming yourself with the knowledge you need to move forward. Our web site gives you the facts and resources you will need. This does not need to be a major undertaking. Start with a small group of individuals who are truly interested and passionate about this issue. Start by educating yourselves and then start educating others.

Talk to other parents, school administrators, PTA and SGA representatives. Decide on a few “training strategies” to present to your organization.  This could be as simple as spreading the word on “Surviving the 5”. Start wearing The ART of Driving wrist bands and watch how others want to know what they are about…this is a true “teachable moment”! Spread the word by sharing an e-mail about The ART of Driving along with a link to our site. Watch the momentum grow.



Community Challenge

It is our hope and prayer that everyone will want to be involved and work towards the success of an ART of Driving program. What can you do?

If your are an administrator…

  • Realize that automobile crashes are the leading cause of death for the age group you see and have responsibility for each and every day. You are truly in a position to make a difference…how awesome is that?
  • Familiarize yourself with The ART of Driving materials and present the program at a faculty meeting. Let your staff know that this is a priority to you and you support their efforts to be involved.
  • Sanction The ART of Driving Club/Teen Task Force at your school or see to it that one is started. This task force functions like other students clubs; lead by students with an adult sponsor.
  • Present the program at a school board meeting…encourage all administrators to “come on board”. Imagine what a difference it would make in your school district. Ask  the person responsible for monitoring and evaluation for your district if he/she would like to do a comparative study showing the figures for teen auto fatalities in your district before and after implementing the program. This would also be a great study for your math department to take on. Remember, The ART of Driving believes that all education should be evidence based.
  • Support your student population in The ART of Driving Pledge. Hold a special assembly where the program is discussed and students are encouraged to sign the pledge card. Make being a responsible driver and passenger a “cool” thing at your school! Our hope is that this concept will eventually become the “norm”.

If you are a teacher or coach…

  • Talk to other teachers and administrators about the importance of such a program. Discuss ways to implement the program at your school. Volunteer to be an adult sponsor of an ART of Driving Club/Teen Task Force.
  • Athletes are usually well known and liked. Encourage them to take a lead role in the program. Hold an ART of Driving Awareness Night at a game in honor of teens who have lost their lives in car crashes. Have students set up a booth and disseminate ART of Driving parent and teen information.
  • Mention “Surviving the 5” at pep rallies and before prom or other big events.

If you are part of a parent organization…

  • Help spread the word through your newsletter and e-mails. Share The ART of Driving web site with everyone.
  • Make The ART of Driving part of a PTA meeting. Better yet, devote an entire meeting to this issue. You can invite the founder of The ART of Driving along with local law enforcement and students who are active in The ART of Driving Club/Teen Task Force. Each will bring a special point-of-view to the meeting and help encourage support.
  • Have information packets ready to go home to all incoming freshman and new students regarding The ART of Driving and your schools support of the program.