Overview of Our Programs The ART of Driving spreads its message of safe teen driving through a variety of presentations. Presentations can be arranged for schools, youth organizations, churches, civic groups, driver education programs, and even for groups of concerned parents wishing to sponsor presentations for themselves and their teen drivers. The program is designed to not only educate teen drivers, but to also help parents and other concerned adults in the challenging task of increasing awareness and responsibility among our young novice drivers. Presentations for teens are an hour in length and utilize a powerful film specially produced for our organization. After viewing this eight minute film the audience is ready to listen to our message. An engaging Power Point presentation is then given by our Founder and Director, Robin Thompson. The presentation is followed by a question and answer period. A separate presentation is available for parents. This presentation takes parents through the information given to teens but includes valuable insights as to measures they can take to keep their young drivers safe. Risk factors, coaching tips, relevant research, written driving contracts, as well as other useful information are discussed. This program can be combined with the teen presentation if so desired. If combined, following the teen segment the young drivers are then engaged in an awareness activity while parents continue to receive information specific to them. The combined program is approximately an hour and a half in length. The Teen Task Force is another component to our program. This is a teen directed "club" which empowers teens to take ownership of this issue and to spread the word among their peers about safe driving. The Task Force gives the teens the tools they need to be more aware of what it takes to not only be safe drivers but smart passengers as well. Robin Thompson will assist your school or group in establishing an ART of Driving Teen Task Force. Please see the Teen Task Force section of this website for more information. Our hope is that all teens will join a Task Force and take the Pledge to be safe, responsible drivers! For more information and to schedule a presentation please see our Speaking Engagement section where you can contact Robin Thompson. She will personally work with you on scheduling a presentation to meet the needs of your particular audience.